Top 10 immunity boosting foods of Ayurveda

Immunity boosting foods have the ability to boost up your immunity system and protect yourself from the frequent attack by virus, bacteria or other micro-organisms.

Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicines and wellness of India, prescribed numbers of immunity booster by the name rasayana(rejuvenator). In the article a list of such top ten easily available and most important foods have been described from a clinical point of view.

1. Haldi (Turmeric) :

Haldi is rich source of curcumin, potent anticancer and anti-allergic natural constituent. Ayurvedic scriptures like Susrut Samhita and Astanga samgraha opines haridra as the prime drug of choice for diabetes.

Turmeric benefits: One of the best immunity boosting foods of Ayurveda. It is also beneficial for skin problem, inflammation, jaundice, piles, anaemia, bronchial asthma.

Dosage: Juice: 10-20 ml

               Powder: 1-3 g

               Tablet/Capsule: 1-2 tablet/capsule once or twice daily.

Important fact:

According to father of surgery Susrut turmeric effectively alleviates 16 types of diabetes (prameha) mentioned in Ayurveda. Turmeric milk is and excellent remedy for cough & cold.

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